You can also to Read the subject of 10 Ways To Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Now we will put 14 another way to quit smoking
1. Change your cigarette smoking habit for nuts: walnuts for hulling 4 for each cigarette you want to smoke. This way you use your hands and mouth, achieving the same physical and mouthfeel that you would have to smoke.
2. Drag cinnamon toothpicks on you. Suck into every time you take the urge to smoke.
3. Make an appointment with an acupuncturist. There is evidence that auricular acupuncture (ie d. Needles in the ears) slows cigarette cravings with some success. So says Ather Ali, ND, a certified naturopath who complete postdoctoral research at Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Derby, Connecticut, under a scholarship from the National Institutes of Health. You can also do it yourself by sticking "grains" (beads) on the acupuncture points and pressing them whenever a craving occurs.
4. Go to the health food store to buy a sativa extract Avena (oats). One study found that to take 1 ml four times a day, helps to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes consumed by smokers.
5. Think about difficult things you have done in the past. Ask people who know you well to remember the challenges you have overcome, says Dr. Lieberman. This will give you the confidence you need to meet your commitment not to smoke.
6. To minimize cravings, change your routine. Sit in a different chair at lunch or take another route to get to work. If you usually have a drink and a cigarette after work, change it for a walk. If you used to smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java. The banner is non-smoking.
7. Tell your friends, coworkers, boss, partners, children, etc., how you feel about this situation than to keep your emotions for you. If something makes you angry, express it instead of choking smoke from a cigarette. If you are bored, admit it and find a dynamic activity to do instead of lighting up.
8. If you Relapsing, just start again. You have not failed. Some people have to try up to 8 times before succeeding.
9. Put all the money you save by not buying cigarettes in a large glass jar. You can really see how much you would have spent. Spend that money on something you've always wanted to do, but you never thought you could not afford, be it an Alaska cruise or first class ticket to visit an old friend of middle School.
10. Switch to decaf until you have successfully quit smoking for two months. Too much caffeine while you try to quit smoking can increase nervousness.
11. Create a non-smoking area. Do not allow anyone to use tobacco at home, car, or even sitting at your side in a restaurant. Make small posters "non-smoking" and install them around your home and in your car.
12. Find healthy things to snack on as you hang on you and you eat instead of cigarettes to quench this thirst for oral gratification. For example, try pistachios, sunflower seeds, lollipops or sugarless gum, carrot or celery. These are best if you are concerned about weight gain.
13. Imagine playing tennis. Or go play tennis. British researchers found that people who were trying to quit were unaware of their cravings more easily when they were told to visualize a tennis match.
14. Quit smoking when you are in a good period. Studies show that you are less likely to succeed if you quit during periods of depressed or under pressure from a lot of stress.