Smoking And Pregnancy : Risks Before, During And After

Smoking And PregnancySmoking And Pregnancy : Risks Before, During And After

risks of smoking Before: effects on fertility

Stopping smoking is best before the start of pregnancy because smoking impairs fertility. Smoking while there are plans to have a child can double the time required for the design. A woman who quits smoking is more likely to get pregnant in the coming months.

risks of smoking During: risk to the fetus

It is never too late to quit smoking during pregnancy. Especially as tobacco consumption has harmful effects on pregnancy and fetus. The risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and premature birth are magnified, as well as the risks of a too low attachment of the placenta. In addition, carbon monoxide causes poor oxygenation and alters fetal development.

health risks of smoking After: preserve breastfeeding

Smoking also has consequences after childbirth, especially for women who are breastfeeding. Nicotine absorbed by the mother excreted in breast milk, and the concentration of nicotine increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. Stopping smoking is always beneficial, even after birth. Otherwise, it is essential not to smoke in the hour before each feeding.